Welcome to Thermodyne Technologies

Thermodyne Technologies, Inc. (TTI) is a technology-based, environmental remediation company located in North Carolina, USA

TTI (formerly Industrial Recovery Systems International, Inc.) was founded in 1998 to provide governmental agencies and industrial clients with specialized remediation services, innovative treatment and recycling technologies for hazardous process waste streams that have been historically transported to RCRA TSD facilities for incineration and/or disposal.

About MCS™ Technology

The Matrix Constituent Separator (MCS™) Technology is a non-mixing, ex-situ batch process that uses infrared heat, an air stripping effect and vacuum to volatilize and strip the target chemical contaminants from the treatment matrix and recover the target chemicals as liquids.

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Case Studies

Our innovative and patented MCS™ Technology has been used on numerous US EPA Superfund Sites, US Department of Energy and Department of Defense Installations in addition to Contaminated Land and operating industrial facility projects worldwide.

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Contact Information

If you would like more information about our technology and experience, please contact us for more information and we would be happy to assist you.

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